Ways To Give


There are many ways to make financial contributions to Aldersgate UMC and its ministries.  These include cash, checks, eGiving, gifts of appreciated stock, memorial gifts, qualified  charitable distributions – QCD, donations to Aldersgate’s endowment fund, and estate planning.  One can even support Aldersgate when making purchases using gift cards (Scrip Program) or  shopping on Amazon (Smile.Amazon).  

Cash or Checks 

Cash or checkCash and checks are always welcome. You may leave cash or checks in the  Sunday offering, bring them to the church office, or mail them to: Aldersgate  United Methodist Church, 8320 South Street, Lincoln, NE 68506. 


VancoGive to Aldersgate UMC securely and conveniently with a mobile app, a text message, or through our online store using the secure  Vanco payment platform. Payment methods include a checking account ACH, credit card or debit card. Donors may set up recurring charges or designate a  one-time donation. There is also an option to cover the processing fee. Give Now  

Stock Giving 

StockAppreciated stock is also a giving option. For questions or help with your  financial giving, please email the church office or call 402-489-1510.  

Giving with Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) 

charitable distributionIf you are 70 1/2 or older you can make charitable donations directly from your IRA. This can have tax advantages in some circumstances. Here is a form to give to your Financial Advisor. A direct gift from an IRA to a charity is called a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)  FIND OUT MORE 

Memorial Gifts 

Memorial giving is a wonderful and meaningful way to memorialize  and remember our loved ones. Memorials to Aldersgate Church may be designated for a specific purpose such as a program within the  church, improvements to the church facility, or another charitable organization. Gifts can also be undesignated. If requested, the Board of Trustees will seek approval of the family before allocating  undesignated memorials to a project. Give Now 


Smile dot amazon dot comDonate to Aldersgate when you shop at Amazon. We are listed as Aldersgate Lincoln United Methodist Church (Lincoln, NE). AmazonSmile  is a way that customers can support their favorite charitable organization  every time they shop with Amazon, at no additional cost. The shopping experience at www.smile.amazon.com is exactly the same as amazon.com; the only difference is  AmazonSmile donates a small portion of the eligible purchase price to the charity of your  choice. Signing up is easy: Visit smile.amazon.com, sign in with the same account you use  for Amazon.com, and select your charity. Remember to checkout at smile.amazon.com to  generate donations for your chosen charity. 

Scrip Program 

ScripWhat is a scrip program? Churches and other non-profits purchase gift certificates, or scrip, from popular retailers and restaurants at a discount. Discounts range from 3% to 15%. Members of the congregation then buy the gift certificates at face value. Retailers are happy to sell gift cards to churches at a discount, because they’re guaranteeing themselves  customers and some goodwill advertising. A family of four could potentially raise $1,000 in a year just by paying for their everyday purchases with scrip. Here is a list of scrip that is available. To purchase scrip or for more information,  contact Stacey at aldersgatelinc@gmail.com or 402-489-1510. 

Endowment Funds  

EndowmentAldersgate UMC has two endowment funds. Both are managed by the Nebraska United Methodist Foundation . The  Lincoln Aldersgate Lasting Legacy Unrestricted Fund generates approximately $700 in investment earnings each year that can be used for  operational expenses. The Lincoln Aldersgate Lasting Legacy Restricted  Capital Improvement Fund generates more than $8,000 in investment  earnings each year that go for projects relating to building and grounds  upkeep and improvements. Only investment earnings of the endowment funds are available for  spending. Donations to either endowment fund generate additional earnings that support  important projects that help keep Aldersgate UMC a vital church. In addition, individuals have established separate endowments with the NUMF with Aldersgate  as the beneficiary. For example, the Merle Summers Fund provides more than $7,000 a year for  the church’s music program, youth program, and facility maintenance.  

Estate Planning 

Estate PlanningYour estate gift can support Aldersgate UMC for decades to come. When the church or Nebraska United Methodist Foundation receives assets as a beneficiary under a will or trust after the donor’s death, the gift is known as a “Legacy Gift.” Legacy Gifts can be made from a variety of asset  classes such as cash, securities, qualified retirement plan/IRA assets, the death benefit from life insurance, or real estate. Legacy gifts are a purposeful way of supporting the future ministry and mission of our church.