Welcome to Aldersgate United Methodist Church!



We are GLAD you stopped by!

We have tried to include all of the information you might need to know about Aldersgate UMC. We hope that it answers all your questions and that you will decide to come visit us this Sunday or anytime!

We are here to help introduce people to God’s love. A love that is unselfish, undeserved, but oh so real and powerful! It is truly amazing what can happen when we learn to love each other the way God intended.

First Things You’ll Want to Know

Know that you are welcome here! Aldersgate UMC welcomes people of all ages, races, backgrounds, abilities, economic circumstances, sexual orientations, and gender identities into the life of the church. We believe God loves you and we’d love a chance to get to know you as well.

Chances are, if you are here, you’re thinking about visiting us for the first time or joining the church as a new member. You might have a lot of questions about our beliefs and practices. Aldersgate is a United Methodist Church. We are connected with the global United Methodist Church, which shares certain principles among our church family throughout the world.

Why Belong to a Church?

Life is hard. Sometimes it just downright stinks. The husbands and wives, sons and daughters of this church know that having a Church “community” or Church “family” that they can turn to in times of need makes getting through life a LOT easier. Not only that, but when times are good, we can spend time learning to be better people, to love each other better, try and hold each other accountable and challenge each other to be the best people God intended us to be so that we might fulfill God’s purpose for our lives.

Get All The Answers You’re Looking For:

Aldersgate United Methodist Church welcomes all to worship, whether beginning your spiritual journey or looking for a new church home. We know that attending a church for the first time may be uncomfortable. Following are answers to frequently asked questions about Aldersgate UMC. We hope to see you soon and often!

Click on the questions below to find the answers…

What to Expect:

Aldersgate is located at 8320 South Street: the northwest corner of 84th and South streets. You can enter the parking lot from either South Street or Pinedale Avenue.
We have to in-person services every Sunday: 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. We also livestream our services. In addition, we have a hospitality hour at 10:00 a.m. where coffee, tea and water are served as well as cookies. We offer adult and children's Sunday school at 10am as well, so that people from both services have opportunities to socialize.
Arrive a few minutes before service, as we have ample parking and seating.
The church has parking on the east side of the building. You are welcome to use one of the guest parking spaces conveniently located in front of the building. There are several accessible parking spaces marked in front of the church as well.
Yes! Our building has no stairs or other barriers, as well as handicap accessible restrooms.
Anywhere! The pastor speaks from the center. Generally, anyone who speaks during the service uses a microphone. Song lyrics and visual aids are projected on large screens on both sides of the sanctuary, so screen location may be a factor in your seating decision.
Dressing up is not expected. Some may wear their “Sunday best,” but you’re also likely to see slacks, jeans and casual shirts. We believe the most important part about Sunday morning is arriving, ready to worship God.
You will not be singled out as a visitor. Everyone is greeted on arrival. You will be offered a connection card to fill out if you want more information about Aldersgate.
No. Offering plates will be passed during the service for those who want to support our ministries, but participation is voluntary. You will not be pressured to give. If you do want to give an offering, there are several ways to give.
The communion process is explained during the service and is open to anyone who would like to participate. Communion is typically served at both services on the first Sunday of the month.
Following each worship service, Pastor Joseph Rafique greets everyone as people leave the sanctuary. He also is available for a personal phone call or meeting during the week.
We offer Sunday school at 10:00 am to any children who wish to attend.